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 One Tree Hill

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2 posters

Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-07
Age : 45
Localisation : Yvelines

One Tree Hill Empty
PostSubject: One Tree Hill   One Tree Hill EmptyMon 9 Apr 2012 - 10:33

I love so much this TV show, and I have seen all seasons!! I prefer the original version of course to see it!!
So I cried at the last season, because it was an amazing season and because it was the end...
Do you like this TV show?? Who are your favorite characters???
Me, it's Jamie, Hayley, Nathan, Clay, Quinn and Chase!!!
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Lyra Sullyvan
Soaring puppy
Soaring puppy
Lyra Sullyvan

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-05
Age : 36

One Tree Hill Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Tree Hill   One Tree Hill EmptyMon 9 Apr 2012 - 16:54

My brothers were making fun of me about that but yes, I enjoyed this tv show. I learn a lot about relationship, watching it.. of course there's a lot of drama in it, but that's part of what makes this show a good one.

I liked most of the cast, even the bad guys because they are also an important part of it, they were pretty well played, even if they were some flaws, it was still pretty great. Smile

I'm a bit sad now that it's over, like HP (maybe not as much) it was on air for a huge part of my teenage/young adult life, so...
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