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 April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women

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Messages : 61
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-01

April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women Empty
PostSubject: April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women   April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women EmptyMon 9 Apr 2012 - 14:45

April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women Gap

Pay Gap between Man and Woman

There is no denying that women get paid less for doing the exact same jobs as men. Ample research has persistently shown that the wages of women, irrespective of qualifications and experience, are lower for the same kind of work. The only thing to be debated is “why?”

According to an influential study, the pay gap between men and women has nothing to do with discrimination by employers.
It argued that the difference in salaries between male and female workers came down to 'individual lifestyle preferences'.

What do you think about it?
Do you think women should still receive a lower salary than men do, considering the fact that a woman can get pregnant anytime and then quit her job to take care of her child?
Are you living this situation?
Do you find this fair, or unfair? And why?

Let us know your opinion about this sensitive topic Exclamation

A wage: A fixed regular payment, by an employer to an employee.
Irrespective: not taking into account; regardless of.
To come down to: to be dependent on (a specific factor).

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April 2012 : Pay Gap between Men and Women
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