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 Cabin Pressure-BBC 4

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3 posters


Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-03
Age : 36

Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 Empty
PostSubject: Cabin Pressure-BBC 4   Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 EmptyWed 11 Apr 2012 - 13:12

Hi everyody,

Today I want to write about a British radio sitcom I discovered a few days ago, while talking with some members of the Sherlock fandom. They originally posted a recording of Benedict Cumberbatch loosely trying to parody the French accent. I had so much fun while listening to it, that I began to look for details about the programm. And now, I'm totally into it.

Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 Cabin_10

So, basically, it's a sitcom about a low-cost airline 'for whom no job is too small but many, many jobs are too difficult' as stated on the official website. Each 28 minutes episode takes us to a different city n the world, and as you will see, or rather ear, the journey never is a quiet one for our own pleasure !

Just a few words about the characters :

Carolyn (Stephanie Cole)= divorced twice, in her mid-60s, she owns the Company. She can't stand the inneficiency of her crew, but can't afford more skilled workers, or repairs for the one plane of the company. It's a really energic character, a strong leader for her team. Always trying to save money by evry possible (or inpossible) way.

Arthur (John Finnemore)= Carolyn'son, nearly 30. He is a really, really silly boy, but nice though. He still lives with his mother. He always anted to be a pilot but only is the steward. On of my favourite charaters. He is so funny and I don't always like the way other people are treating him.

Douglas (Roger Allam) = former pilot, now first officer, in his 50s. The brains of the team, loves to tease Martin and Arthur, worldwide champion for black humor.

Martin (Benedict Cumberbatch) = 32, pilot. He got the job just because he agreed not to be paid. Has always wanted to be a pilot. Poor guy, it seems that it's never his day ( his life, he told once). He is my favourite character. He always tries to do is best but is bullied by Carolyn and Douglas. You just want to confort him.

3 series of six episodes each (+1 Christmas special) have already been broadcasted and can be found on the net. You can also buy them as audiobooks.

Why do I talk to you about it? First of all, because, I really love this series, have a lot of fun with it, and need to talk about it with somebody else. But I also think, that it can really help each of us in our wish to improve our English. The characters have a neat British accent and speak rather slowly, since it's for the radio. It's really not that difficult to understand and I tink it can really improve our oral understanding skills, and there always is the possibility to rewind and replay the difficult parts. the scripts are also to be found on the internet, but I highly recommand not to use them too much, because most of the time you just read and don't really listen. That's the same with subtitles in movies.

And now, just a small piece of the 3 series, the one I first heard : Captain Martin Krieff fakin the french accent:

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Lyra Sullyvan
Soaring puppy
Soaring puppy
Lyra Sullyvan

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-05
Age : 36

Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cabin Pressure-BBC 4   Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 EmptyWed 11 Apr 2012 - 13:48

I'm not much of a radio listener, but that's quite funny indeed. And I like Benedict Cumberbatch, so maybe I'll give it a go! Cheers!
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Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 2012-04-04

Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cabin Pressure-BBC 4   Cabin Pressure-BBC 4 EmptyThu 12 Apr 2012 - 6:38

I'm not used to listening radio programmes but it seems funny and, well, it's a good exercice for the oral comprehension.

I love this fake French accent <3 Too funny.

Thanks to introduce this programme =) I think I'll follow it.
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